

An opensource GIS software

By and for research

OrbisGIS is developed by a team of qualified professionals in GIS, statistics and computer science.

Database oriented

Seamlessly integrated with spatial databases.
Choose the embedded H2GIS or PostGIS.
#SQL(Spatial) #Vector #Raster

Free to use

OrbisGIS is distributed under the GPL 3 license and can be freely used whatever the field of application (research, education, business...).


OrbisGIS is a cross-platform open-source Geographic Information System (GIS) created by research and for research. It is leaded by CNRS within the French Lab-STICC laboratory (DECIDE team of Vannes) and licensed under GPLv3. OrbisGIS proposes new methods and techniques to model, represent, process and share spatial data, making it easy to monitor geographical territories and manage their evolution.
In a world ever-increasingly aware of its ecological footprint and the relevance of sustainable development, a systematic approach to evaluating public policies is of paramount importance. Such an approach must take into account relevant environmental, social and economic factors to facilitate efficient decision making and planning. As an integrated modeling platform containing analytical tools for computing various indicators at different spatial and temporal scales, OrbisGIS is already an indispensable instrument for many. Come see what all the buzz is about!

In few words

  • 100% Java
  • Since 2007
  • For Linux, Windows and Mac OS
  • Lightweight (less than 40mo)
  • Standalone (no installation & admin rule needed)

OGC compliant

  • Simple Feature Access - Part 1 & 2 (SFA - SFS)
  • Symbology Encoding (SE) (SWG in progress)
  • Web Map Service (WMS)
  • Web Processing Service (WPS 2) (in progress)
  • OWS-Context (in progress)


  • OSGI plateform
  • Cartographic tools
  • SQL & Groovy consoles
  • Data formats : SHP, OSM, KML, GeoJson, ...
  • API for developers

The team

OrbisGIS is developed by a french team of researchers and engineers specialized in geography, geoinformatic and statistic. Developments are funded by research projects.


OrbisGIS is mainly used in a research context. You can consult a non-exhaustive list of publications in which this tools has been used here.


Requirement: To run OrbisGIS, you need at least Java 7 (OpenJDK or Oracle).
Click on the image below to download the V5.1 Molene – Snapshot (based on H2GIS).

Download OrbisGIS V5.1
To download previous versions, you may consult the dedicated page on GitHub here.
Ubuntu users can also use the dedicated PPA on Launchpad, following this documentation.


The mailing list

If you have any troubles or you have some specific questions with OrbisGIS, don’t hesitate, post in the mailing list.


Help us to translate OrbisGIS on the Transifex platform.
Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, ... are already under process.
More information on the wiki here.

Source code

The source code of OrbisGIS is available on GitHub.
Feel free to report an issue or to contribute via a Pull Request.



Below are three projects, linked with OrbisGIS and developed by our team.


A spatial extension to the H2 Database engine in the spirit of PostGIS.
This is the SQL engine of OrbisGIS.


Coordinate Transformation Suite is a library to perform coordinate transformations using geodetic algorithms.


NoiseModelling is a fully GIS-implemented environmental noise calculation model, as a plugin of the OrbisGIS software.


Scientific partners

Financial partners





Since the v5.0, the OrbisGIS's documentation is build continuously thanks to the ReadTheDocs plateform.
The latest OrbisGIS's documentation can be found at doc.orbisgis.org.
You can use this documentation on-line, in PDF, Epub or static HTML.

Former documentations are available below:


#SQL (Spatial)


#Spatial analysis

Commercial support

The OrbisGIS's team provides professional support, expertise, training, development and research.

The support deals with :
  • SQL spatial language (use cases, custom functions)
  • Spatial analysis (vector and raster)
  • Graph network analysis
  • Advanced cartography (map design and standard)
  • Geoprocessing algorithms...

If you are interested and want some informations, feel free to contact us.


Contact us

Vannes, France

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Credits | Hosted by GitHub